Stump the Trump


By Anthony Kristensen

It’s June 16. A man with an ego the size of Mount Everest takes the stage in his campaign headquarters in New York to announce his presidential campaign. Fast forward to today, after countless boneheaded statements and scandals, somehow this man is leading the GOP national polls.

This man, of course, is businessman and presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Trump has been leading in the GOP polls for quite some time, even though he has no political experience and doesn’t even have a conservative background. He has been leading recently over Dr. Ben Carson and over a dozen other candidates that actually have political backgrounds and know what they’re doing.

Trump has changed his political views more than Kim Kardashian has changed husbands. In the past, Trump has continually stated that he aligns more with Democrats, that the economy works better under Democrats and has made numerous donations to Democrats. He also has been childish because he hasn’t stopped complaining about Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly for tough questions during the first GOP Debate when she asked him when he became a Republican. Did you hear Ohio Governor John Kasich complain when asked what he would say to one of his daughters if one of them were to come out as gay due to his stance against gay marriage? No, you didn’t. Trump needs to grow up a bit if he can honestly complain about tough questions.

While Trump has not only played flip flop on all of the issues, he’s also made numerous sexist remarks against women. Most notably, when criticizing Kelly for some questions directed at Trump during the first GOP Debate, Trump said that Kelly “had blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” leading many to believe that he was referring to a woman’s menstruation period. He then tried to refute these allegations, by stating that by “wherever” he meant Kelly’s “ears and/or nose.” This is not the first time Trump has been accused of sexist comments, as he has called Arianna Huffington “unattractive both inside and out,” calling Rosie O’Donnell “disgusting both inside and out,” basically calling Republican candidate Carly Fiorina ugly by saying “look at that face.” These aren’t the only times Trump has been on record saying things like this.

Trump also claims to have evidence that the Mexican government has been sending illegal immigrants that are bringing drugs, crime and that “they’re rapists,” even though most illegal immigrants aren’t drug lords, criminals or rapists. Also, Trump also doesn’t seem to understand that most illegal immigrants are coming from countries south of Mexico, such as Guatemala and El Salvador. When asked to present this evidence at the GOP Debate in Cleveland, he froze like deer in headlights and dodged the question like he was the last player alive in a game of dodgeball. He also doesn’t seem to grasp the fact that illegal immigration has been on a sharp decline since the 2007 climax.

Trump has been praised by his supporters for his skills as a businessman, as they say that he is the candidate that is best equiped to lead the country out of the massive $18 trillion debt faced by the U.S, Trump’s skills as a businessman can’t be denied, but these supporters don’t seem to grasp the fact that Trump’s business has been bankrupted four times. All he could say in his defense was that he used the laws of the land to his advantage, which has been widely criticized.

Trump has also maintained his lead even after attacking one of America’s most beloved war heroes, Arizona Senator John McCain, by saying that “he’s a war hero because he was captured,” and that he likes people that weren’t captured. Trump can disagree with Senator McCain’s policies all he wants, if he disagrees with the U.S.’s involvement in Vietnam, he can do that all he wants, but as soon as Trump attacks someone’s service when he himself dodged the draft, Trump should lose any respect that anyone has for him.

Let’s face it, Trump isn’t worth the attention he’s been receiving. From his racist comments to his constantly bankrupted company, this overgrown five-year-old deserves nothing he has attained since he began his campaign. As he insults his competitors, journalists and anyone else that stands in his way with every fiber in his being while his supporters go along with it, his supporters need to wake up and take a look for a candidate that has a clue of what they’re doing.