Knightline holds annual Kiddie Clinic

Performance will be held at the Pink-out game on Friday


By Jessica Biondo

Knightline held it’s annual Kiddie Clinic on Friday, Oct. 2, from 5-8 pm. Kiddie Clinic is an event where Knightline teaches kids from grades Kindergarten to 8th grade a dance that will be performed at the football game the following Friday. The clinic was held in the gym at North, and kids from all over the area came to attend.

“I feel like the clinic is a great way to teach dancers how to work as a team.” junior Reiley Rufkahr said. “I know when I was a little kid, I looked up to older dancers. I believe Knightline is a great role model for them to strive to become.”

Sophomores on the team choreograph the dance, and chose the music to go along with it. The theme for this year’s dance is “Shake.” The team members make the dance at a simple level so that the Kindergarten kids are able to do it, and then the team leaders for each grade increase the difficulty for older kids. The team splits up into groups and about three Knightline girls take each grade level. The entire group wears matching t-shirts for the football game, and the sophomores are also responsible for the t-shirt design. It is tradition that sophomores are in charge of the event since juniors and seniors are in charge of everything else throughout the season, giving the sophomores a chance to prepare for planning in the following years.

“Teaching the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders gave them an introduction to what Knightline really is,” senior Kristina McKay said. “There were different leaps and turns that Knightline actually uses, and we incorporated them into their dance.”

For the higher grade levels, Kiddie Clinic is basically an example of what Knightline try-outs look like. They are asked to do the same dance moves that they would be asked to do at try-outs, and they get to get a feel of what the team really is.

“The girls think it is really cool to get to dance at the football game,” junior Madison Clifton said. “They get excited that more people than their parents get to watch them.”