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Introduction to Art Hangs up Newspaper Sculptures in ‘Spaces and Places’ Unit


By Allie Boettcher

In early November, Denise Maples’ Introduction to Art classes made newspaper sculptures. The sculptures are geometric designs to go with their portfolios at the end of the semester. To make these sculptures, they used newspaper and masking tape to put them together. Her art class is made up of kids from all grades. Introduction to Art is required to advance to any other art class and counts towards half of a fine arts credit.

“My favorite thing about this class is we get to do our own thing and work at our own pace,” junior Jessica Gardner said.

This is Maples’ first year doing this project. She came up with the idea to start this project during the class’s “Spaces and Places” unit, which focuses on how to place a piece of artwork in an empty space. The students spent a day rolling up newspaper, and each table in the class made a piece for the class sculpture. Each of the six classes then combined their projects, which are now lined down the hallway by her classroom

“I liked [the project] because it was nice working together in groups to create a big sculpture,” junior Megan Gilmore said.

Maples had wanted to hang the sculptures from the pipes in the cafeteria above the tables because she thought it would be a good way to showcase her students’ work.

“I know a better way to do it next year and I hope that it works out better so I can hang them up in the cafeteria,” Maples said.