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Music Weekly Featuring Elephante


By Tristan Chenoweth

Welcome back! This week’s featured artist is Elephante, a music producer based in Los Angeles.

First Track: Age Of Innocence

Starting with a minimal lead vocal intro and slowly incorporating the percussion line. It brings the sounds of an electric guitar into the electronic era and uses it to bring in the chorus. Using minimal words, it tells a story of being young again.

Second Track: I Want You

Starting with a prominent piano intro and bring in bass and percussion. With harmonized vocals which give the song depth but by only using one voice. This song is more of a dance/house song.

Third Track: Shake The Earth

I choose this song because it places emphasis on the use of vocals to bring the song into its chorus and main music line. It also uses one vocal instead of many to keep the song minimal and focused on the story behind the song.

Fourth Track: Dynasty by MIIA

This is one of many remixes Elephante has produced. Having a very minimal intro lead by percussion into the main chorus and using the modulated vocal to syncopate the sound of the song’s beat.

Fifth Track: Temporary Love

I chose this track because of its upbeat house intro. It uses a great chordal progression and that really compliments the vocal line that floats on top.

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