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Advice to Writers


By Riley Kampff

There’s something truly special about having words flow so well that people become overwhelmed with emotion. Literature can have someone in tears, in complete shock, and even in pure bliss from something that you conjured up and wrote.

Writing is an art in millions of ways that are so infinite. There are no rules to what you write or how you write. Whatever is in your mind is what you can put into words and run with it. But sometimes, just thinking of something to put into words is difficult itself. You will probably want to cry, smash something, or just give up all together when you have writer’s block.

When dealing with writer’s block, it’s similar to dealing with a baby that won’t stop crying. There are a bunch of reasons the baby is crying. But at that point, all there is to do is to try anything and everything to calm them down. If you haven’t gotten the metaphor by now, then I can just say the crying baby is the struggling writer.

Give it all you have and just start writing about what you see and hear. Whether it’s about how dogs have developed a sophisticated society in another galaxy or just simply about how an elderly woman bought a granny smith apple at the market. Random rambling can be really constructive. Even watching movies, reading different genres of books and trying out different tastes of music can boost imagination. The brain is a fruit, and you have to squeeze it a bit to make the creative juices flow.