Writer’s Guild Provides a Gateway to Writing-Focused Students


By Jake Price

Last year, students were introduced to the Writer’s Guild and it started out as a small group, but now they’ve returned for another school year.

“[The Writer’s Guild] might be a fun and creative thing for some people,” Jani Wilkens, English teacher and Writer’s Guild sponsor, said. “Just show up and you’re in.”

The Writer’s Guild is a club for students who use writing as an outlet or those who have a passion for writing. Club meetings are held every other Tuesday in room 217 after school. Students will create poetry, fiction, nonfiction and other forms of writing during their time in the club.

“I was interested in joining because I wanted to increase my skill in storytelling, and it seemed like a fun club to go to,” sophomore Emily Butler said.

The Writer’s Guild’s routine is they pick out a prompt for the students to read, and then they write a story of some kind based off that prompt. The students eventually share the stories they wrote with the rest of the group and receive feedback and praise for their work.

“Anybody who enjoys writing or anybody who enjoys being part of a club is welcomed to join,” Wilkens said. “It’s a nice place to make new friends and become a better writer.”