Leah Rosenmiller Student Teaches, Pursues Her Education Career

From student to student-teacher, this soon-to-be graduate is preparing for her career.

Credit to Anna Lindquist

By Anna Lindquist, Newspaper Staff

After this school year, student teacher Leah Rosenmiller will be graduating from Lindenwood University, completing her degree in teaching. She will go on to graduate school to get a more specified degree in English that is still to be determined.

“There’s never a normal day here,” Rosenmiller said. “Everyday has a new challenge. Every hour is different. I feel like it is preparing me for what I need to expect in the future.”

Rosenmiller is English teacher Tracy Wuertenberg’s student teacher. While working here, she has taught herself what it’s like working at a high school.

“In college classes, it’s all hypothetical,” Rosenmiller said. “You talk about things as if you are in a perfect situation. Handling classroom hours and handling classroom procedures you learn practically. You can’t have a well-rounded interpretation unless you’re doing it. Being a student teacher is the only way to help with that and I’m glad I chose to do it.”

Rosenmiller hopes to one day be a high school English teacher in the St. Louis area after completing her education.

“I think Ms. Rosenmiller has a lot of potential to grow and be a good teacher in the future,” Wuertenberg said. “Right now, she is working to help the students better understand the material, and she is learning how to take over in the classroom. She has a good work ethic, which is a good thing to have as a teacher.”

The students make the experience all the more special, according to Rosenmiller. While she has only been here for seven weeks, she has already made an impact on them.

“She connects well with us,” junior Bree Williams said. “She always tries to help us with projects and class assignments. She’s really involved, unlike other student teachers I’ve seen. I think she’d make a good English teacher.”