Seniors Honored at Awards Night [Story+Photo Gallery]

Credit to Alex Rowe

Seniors Emma Chilcoat and Sasha Kaganov have fun receiving their awards.

On April 25, FHN seniors were recognized at the annual Senior Awards Night for their many achievements throughout their four years of high school. Not only were academic and scholarship accomplishments applauded, but students were recognized for everything from club involvement to perfect attendance.

“I think it’s important because it motivates us to do better in the future and strive for recognition,” senior Erika Guerrero-Bernal said. “To know that we did well during the year, or throughout four years, and it feels just nice to know that other people appreciate the hard work.”

In addition to the many awards and scholarships being recognized, attendees were also treated to two musical performances by seniors in band and choir. Seniors Emily Henry and Dan Borrelli sang the song Rivers and Roads at the closing of the night.

“It pretty much describes like, all of us are leaving, we’re going to college. A year from now, we’ll all be gone, ‘our friends will be gone away’, so it describes the situation pretty well,” senior Emily Henry said.

After the ceremony, refreshments and cookies were provided and students were free to mingle with parents and teachers. Senior Olivia Sontheimer, the recipient of the French departmental award, believes the event was more enjoyable than she had expected, and that the chance for students to be formally recognized for their many achievements motivates them to continue that behavior into the future.

“When we do good things and we prove ourselves in really astounding ways and such and we get rewarded for it in the form of scholarships and all that stuff, it proves to be worthwhile,” Sontheimer said. “That kind of recognition promotes that sort of behavior, I would think.”