DECA Jump Off Canceled for 2017 Year

The class of 2017 seniors get pumped up before their 2016 DECA Jump off game against the staff.

By Heidi Hauptman, Staffer

Every year, DECA sponsors their DECA Jump off. The DECA Jump off is an event held annually to help raise money for the club. Typically, students and staff are encouraged to play in the game. Players usually pay $10.00 to participate. The DECA Jump off usually consists of having two basketball games: the freshman and sophomore vs junior game and the senior vs. staff game. The DECA Jump off this year was scheduled to commence on November 8th and start at 5:30 in the large gym. This year however, the DECA Jump off was canceled and did not happen.

“This year, the club wanted to try and do something a little more inclusive,” senior Ben Jamison said. “We thought that maybe a volleyball tournament would be better because more people would be able to play as we won’t be trying to get everyone in the whole grade into one basketball game.”

DECA typically uses the jump off to help raise money to support their club and also support charities that they are involved with. They are hoping that they will be able to have similar success with the volleyball tournament.

“I was kind of bummed that it (the Jumpoff) didn’t happen,” senior Alex Baker said. “I was looking forward to participating in it as senior and being able to play the teachers. But I guess if they are planning something else, that would be cool too.”

Although DECA has started making plans for a different event, the details and time of the volleyball tournament are still yet to be announced. They are hoping to have the tournament during the late winter or early spring.