Select Students Attend Student Summit [Story + Photo Gallery]

Students come together to discuss topics and issues to help better FHN as a school and community. (Photo Submitted)

(Photos by Isabella Schneider)

On Thursday, Feb. 1, select students attended the student summit in the auditorium. Students met to discuss ideas and use the student voice to give their opinions to the administration. The main topics the students discussed were the safety of school, the climate survey and what they love about FHN. 

“I enjoy coming to school and learning,” said sophomore Paige Mooney. “ I know there is a lot of people who come to school and don’t feel that way and I want them to feel the way I do.”

The main points discussed in this meeting was communication and trust between the students, staff and administrators. Students realized that no matter the issue happening in the school, if they don’t have good trust and communication then nothing will be done about the current issues. Aside from discussing safety ideas on how to better FHN atmosphere, the students talked about the reasons they love FHN. They mentioned how they come together as a family at assemblies, and hope to have more assembly days in the future.

“I felt really good about this event,” junior Noe Bustos said. “I think that its important, because we are helping the students now and future Knights by making FHN a safer place and safety is always an important subject for parents, students and teachers.”

This event was very important on improving FHN. Students enjoyed being able to voice their thoughts to make FHN a better place.

“I loved being able to attend the student summit,” Mooney said. “I felt like my voice and opinion was finally heard by people that needed to hear it.”