Varsity Wrestling Team Goes 1-1 in First Meet of Season

Credit to Jordan Mileczwik

Sophomore Jesse Collins holds down a St. Charles West wrestler in an attempt to pin him.

By Joel Boenitz, editor

The 2018-2019 wrestling season began back on Oct. 29, when practices officially started for all winter sports. For the past month, the wrestlers have been getting on the wrestling mats and working on technique and physical condition. On Thursday, Nov. 30, the Knights got to see where they were at when they competed in a tri against the Orchard Farms Eagles and the St. Charles West Warriors.

“I think this meet is fairly important for the wrestlers because it will help them see where they are at,” assistant coach Sean Fowler said. “This meet is our first chance to see how prepared we actually are for future competition.”

At the tri, each wrestler had a chance to wrestle in two matches, facing one wrestler (from their respected weight class) from each school. The Knights were able to win against the Eagles with ease, as only one of the 10 varsity wrestlers lost their match. However, the Knights were unable to get the win over the Warriors, as the lack of a full varsity roster cost them. Despite losing, the Knights did have seven wrestlers win their match. In the end, six of the 10 wrestlers on the team, including senior Dakota Adams, were able to come away from the tri undefeated.

“I just came into each match with determination and was just ready to wrestle,” Adams said. “This put me in the right mindset for my future duels and tournaments. I now know that I need to be in the right mindset to win and just keep pushing harder in practice.”

The Knights will hope to repeat their performances on Saturday, Dec. 1, when they will participate in their first tournament of the season on their home turf.

“I think we will do awesome at the tournament,” senior Thadeus Meneses said. “We’ve had a great start to our season and we’ve been working hard everyday at practice. We hope to bring our successes from the tri to the tournament.