StuCo Prepares for Snowcoming on Feb. 9

Through many committees and dedicated members, StuCo unites to create the annual Snowcoming


By Patty O'Leary, North Star Copy Editor

FHN’s winter formal will be held in the Commons on Feb. 9 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and the ticket price this year is $15. To purchase a ticket students must visit the small hall by the commons, next to the All-Knighter snack table. This year StuCo is not focused particularly on changing things up, but keeping on their traditions. One of the main traditions is the Techno Bubbles: blacklight bubbles that glow up the Commons.

“It’s more of a laid back version of homecoming,” Vice President of StuCo Juan Alega said. “People don’t have to get as dressed up, but also with Snowcoming we try to keep the tradition of the Techno Bubbles.”

Although SnoCo is primarily a dance, there are many festivities that go along with it that excites students. Things like the pep assembly, spirit week and the Pink Ribbon basketball games are key to hyping up the student body for the dance.

“I’m most excited for the spirit week,” Alega said. “We think it’s going to appeal more to the entire student body than previous years.”

Spirit week can get hectic with planning your daily outfits and such, but that is not supposed to be the case with the dance itself. StuCo really puts effort into making the dance a fun experience while still being laid back in comparison to others.

“It’s not as formal as other winter dances at other high schools,” Alega said. “It’s more of a fun time rather than a time where you have to dress up and be more cordial.”