Why Spanish Club Should Be Recognized

By Connor Ray, Excalibur Reporter

A way to immerse yourself into other cultures and truly appreciate them can be done by simply joining a foreign language club, such as the Spanish Club at FHN. Spanish Club immerses its members with Spanish-related activities to convey different cultures.

“Spanish Club is planning to do more things school-wide,” sophomore Emily Zhang said. “Spanish cultural activities that will be fun for everyone and hopefully grow the club more.”

Although Spanish Club may not be as big as other clubs, its members have big plans to spread out its influence over FHN.

“I want to see it grow and make it have a bigger impact than it currently has,” Zhang said.

In contrast to other clubs, Spanish Club does not have nearly as many requirements as other activities in the FHN Community. It’s an inclusive club that doesn’t discriminate.

“Spanish Club gives kids the chance to be involved in something without the athletic aspect,” Spanish teacher Valerie Green said. “They get to be themselves more than if they were in a classroom environment.”