FHN to Host 2019 Regional Science Fair on March 2

Credit to Photo Submitted

By Colin St. Aubin, North Star Reporter

The Regional Science fair competition is being held at FHN on March 2. This is a Science fair for students ranging from kindergarten to high school. FHN Science teacher Donna Malkmus is in charge of the Regional Science fair and is expecting a large turnout.

“I really love this event,” Malkmus said. “We have 318 projects set to flow into FHN this weekend, and I am just so ecstatic to see what all these bright students have prepared for us .”

The event begins at 8 a.m. with breakfast for volunteer judges. Judging will begin promptly at 9 a.m. The majority of the day is spent by judges taking a close look at the projects being presented.

“We instruct the judges to take their time to walk through the projects,” Malkmus said. “They have a scoring guide as they walk around, so we ask that they look carefully at every aspect of that guide.”

Awards begin after the judges make a decision in each age group. This awards ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. This will end the Science fair season for Malkmus after also running the Honors Science fair in late February. Both events leave competitors the opportunity to compete at the International Science Fair sponsored by Intel in Phoenix, AZ.  

“I cannot wait to see all these amazing projects,” Malkmus said. “My favorite part is always the awards ceremony, because I get to see who moves on, but I also get to see the happiness it causes students once they see their hard work had won them an award.”