Best Shopping Destinations for Last Minute Gifts [Opinion]

(Photo from Shutterstock)

By Abby Martinez

As the holidays approach, finals are done and you begin to realize you still have gifts to buy. You begin to stress trying to purchase gifts last minute. And it’s just your luck because stores are beginning to clear out their inventory with sales for the last-minute shoppers. Here is a list of a few stores and companies where you can get your last-minute gift shopping done. 

The top-selling company during this time of the year, where I’m sure you can find any gift you need or want, is Amazon. Amazon holds basically anything you could want. This makes it one of the top companies to buy from during the holidays, especially those last-minute gifts. From small toys for your younger siblings to speakers for your parents, Amazon has it all. I would definitely check out Amazon to get some gifts shipped to you.

The next store I would check out is Target. Target is one of the most local and convenient stores. From clothes to electronics, Target holds it all and gives you a variety to choose from. Along with Target’s large variety, they are fairly cheap and they begin to hold plenty of sales during the holiday season. 

Along with personalized gifts that you can get from a store, there are also gift cards. There are two companies that make a lot of money during the holidays due to their gift card sales. The first is Apple iTunes. Many kids like to use iTunes gift cards to buy the newest games that came out, as well as the newest songs, but not just kids use these gift cards; adults could use iTunes gift cards to buy the newest season of the show that they watch.

Gift cards aren’t just used for the electronic side of things either, but for food as well. Starbucks is a great place to get gift cards for your best friend or older sibling, especially the college kids. Many of students like to go there to get their school work done and enjoy a nice cup of chocolate delight. But besides that, anyone can go and enjoy a delicious warm cup of cocoa in the cold winter weather. 

One last iconic Christmas store you can simply go and shop for the holidays for is Hallmark. Hallmark is most famous for the annual Christmas movies that get aired every week during the holidays, but they are also a store that sells gifts for your loved one. Their ornaments and home decor are perfect for peoples homes, and their heartwarming cards allow you to send a happy holidays filled with joy to anyone you know.