Taking a Self Care Day Over Winter Break


(Photo by Macy Cronin)

By Macy Cronin, North Star Reporter

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a self-care day is defined as a day in which a person takes care of themselves. Over winter break, students are given ample opportunity to relax and destress from school in order to take care of themselves. 

You can start your own version of a self care day by getting at least 9 hours of sleep the night before. This causes all the sleep deprivation from studying for finals the week before to disappear as you sleep the recommended amount for children your age. 

Waking up after the night of complete rest and immediately taking care of personal hygiene will also create an energetic effect to come over your body. This can be initiated by brushing your hair, brushing your teeth and washing your face. 

After taking care of personal hygiene then it is always a good idea to fuel your body by eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast. This will ensure for you to have energy to use throughout the day. As well as eating food throughout the day also make sure to hydrate. Water is necessary to survive; therefore, drink plenty all day long.

Throughout the day to fully decompress from finals text friends and hang out with them. Hanging out with friends is relaxing and calming to lots of teens and to talk about things other than school is a great way to help calm down. While hanging out with friends, playing board games and cards is a fun activity to do.

As the night approaches and fun and games comes to an end, laying down with a warm blanket and hot drink to watch a movie will put your head in a good mindset. Watching movies and forgetting about other responsibilities is a great way to finish up a self-care day.

Lastly before bed once more go and take care of your personal hygiene. Go and take a nice long hot bath, with or without bubbles, and relax for a bit so that your body starts to drift to sleep. Then finish the day off by brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, and washing your face. Afterwards head to bed and go to sleep in order to complete a refreshing self-care day.