Credit to Taylor Hill

Senior Jordayn York holds up her vaccination card.

Vaccines Are Now Available For Teens

Some people 16 years and older have been able to get the Pfizer vaccine since April 9. More recently, 12 to 15 year-olds have been approved to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I got the vaccine because my mom, my dad, and my sister got the vaccine because they are all 18 years and older. My mom wanted me to get the vaccine to be safe,” FHN junior Chloe Averbeck said.

Students could also get it at places like the Edward Jones Dome in Downtown Saint Louis, Walmart, or even some Sam’s stores.

Students who wish to get the vaccine should consult with their primary care physician before getting the COVID-19 vaccine. • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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