Andrew Nevenner Graduates Early to Pursue Ministry and Share the Gospel With the World


Credit to Kyle

Junior Andrew Nevenner sits and reads the Bible. Nevernner has been going to Harvester Christian Church for a little over a year. Nevernner is planning on graduating early to be a part of the church

 Harvester Christian is a church that many students go to throughout the year. But there is a student that has taken a step further than going to life groups and church on Sundays. Andrew Nevenner is a junior that goes to Harvester and plans to graduate early to pursue ministry. 

“I’ve wanted to for a few years now and I felt like God has been pulling me to it and I would always shut it down because I thought that it wasn’t for me,” Nevenner said. “But over time I realized that I didn’t need to be a perfect person because we are all broken and I can use my brokenness and mistakes to help minister and relate to others.”

Many people have been helping along the way to Nevenner’s journey. But there are a few in particular that have really given him a push into what he wants to do with his life and how to deal with the tasks that God throws ones way. He has taken a step in a new direction to help himself and other people with being broken.

“I’ve seen Andrew grow in the community as he started to attend Harvester and our life group,” Nick Ballard, Next Gen Pastor said. “I saw him grow with friendships that he made there which has also helped him grow in his faith and build more confidence in who God created him to be.”

There is one person in particular that is excited for him to go away to college and to watch him grow as he goes through life. He knew Nevenner only a short period of time, but time doesn’t always mean much when it comes to relationships at church. 

“He gets to go further away from home than he has been and figure out what God wants for his life,” Saxton Green, Student Ministry Intern said. 

Many people can have misconceptions with what church is supposed to be, what being a Christian means and what being a disciple of god means. Being a Christian can mean that sometimes you have your life looked at under a microscope and can feel like people are waiting for you to mess up. 

“I want to spread the good news of Jesus to people who haven’t heard it and to speak to the truth about who Jesus is because a lot of the American church has a common misconception of who Jesus is and what Christianity is,”  Nevenner said.