FHN Boys Swim Had High Hopes For Sending Swimmers To State

Credit to Faith Smith

On Sept. 21st the FHN Swim Team competed in a meet at the St. Peters Rec-Plex against Lutheran HS.

For many athletes, the idea of competing at state is something they strive for all season long. However, when athletes are given the chance to represent their team or school in a big way, that can come with added stress.
“I’m hoping to do as well as I possibly can during individual events this year,” junior swimmer Elias Avila said. “If I can also compete in the team relays then that would be great.”
In preparation to the buildup for state, head coach Shawn Farrar has been training the boys extensively so they can be in the best shape possible by the time state begins. From their workouts at practice, to pushing them to perform their absolute best at meets, Farrar has been trying his hardest to make the team succeed. The team as an overall average time of 1 minute and 52 seconds for the 200 meter race.
“They’ve been working really hard to perform their best whether it’s at our practices or our competitions,” Farrar said. “They have all improved as swimmers in general throughout our season.”
Whether or not state goes as the boys hope, they have all had fun throughout the season competing and practicing as a team. Practicing nearly everyday for three months straight has helped make bonds that will last past the swim season.
“Outside of actually being in the water, my favorite part of the team ever since I’ve joined has been the team itself,” Avila said. “For the most part we all get along and help each other despite how we do. It’s just a really fun environment to be in.”