Marissa Heyer Named FHN 2022-23 Teacher of the Year

On Jan. 20 it was announced that Marissa Heyer was the 2022-23 FHN teacher of the year. Her family and FHN staff came to surprise her. She has been at FHN for 11 years. She creates special bonds with her students and goes out of her way to help you. She has special memories like helping her students create prom dresses and giving them the opportunity to create the interior of a dream house. 

“Everyday is another learning opportunity,” Heyer said. “The passion and knowledge students can share and watching them learn is super rewarding.”

Heyer is a Family Consumer Science teacher and the junior class sponsor. She teaches fashion construction, human relations and interior design. She also sometimes teaches food classes. She loves teaching her human relations class as it originally wasn’t a choice for students and she now has three classes.  

“What she teaches is important to life and can teach you life skills that you need to know,” senior Jonah Sevier said. “Her classes are a lot of fun to be in.” 

Sevier was a junior class officer and has a human relations class with her this year. He worked alongside her to help set up prom and to work with her to make decisions for the class of 2023. She has multiple students that come to each lunch with her or join her in their study hall hour. She tries to make her room an open space where students can feel comfortable. 

“Working with her she is definitely very good at rounding up class officers and delegating and a great communicator,” junior class president Grant Kilen said. “She’s good with physical representation”

Heyer tends to have close relationships with her students and the junior class officers and delegates. Whether it be just listening to them when they are having a rough day or bringing breakfast for morning meetings to make sure the students had something to eat. 

“She cares about her students and she helped me through a lot last semester and gives good advice,” senior Audrey Wright said.