The EOCs will Take Place During the Last Week of April and First Week of May

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Students take the EOC tests during April of 2022

The EOC is an end of course exam, mandated by the state of Missouri. Algebra I & II, English II, Biology and Government are classes that are required to take the EOC. The EOC has a two week span of taking, which will be from the last week of April and the first week of May.

“We were above average in the state, we do real well compared to the state,” Assistant Principal Erin Steep said. “We were right there with our sister schools, we kind of just go back and forth.”

The unofficial scores for the EOC will be out closer to the end of the year as the exact date is not sure. This is important because students can exempt their final if they score proficient or advanced. Senior Braden Powelson, was able to exempt his Algebra II final and shares some advice.

 “Do your best to get a final exemption,” Powelson said.