I know there are a lot of things that get under my skin, but one that tops the charts is when people put themselves down and fish for compliments.
They say like “Oh my gosh, I am so fat!” when they are, like, 100 pounds, and someone who might be a little over weight is sitting next to them. They look at them with anger, and then the skinny one says “Oh, you’re not fat, you are so pretty!” Like, seriously? Give me a break. If you have nothing nice to say about yourself then don’t say anything at all.
There was this one time when a girl I knew always complained about her weight. Well she would weigh herself every time I was over and it was getting on my nerves. So one day I decided I was going to get on the scale. Let’s just say that she never brought up her weight again.
I just don’t know why people feel like putting themselves down is the way to get compliments. I am not saying you should go out and be all conceded and self-centered. Just be confident and love yourself for the way you are. No one knows you better than you.