Effects on the Body

Published: December 16, 2015

Stress is the body’s reaction to any demand or threat in life. These demands or threats are called stressors, which can be found easily in high school students’ lives. Academic pressures can be a large source of stress, but relationships with peers and family, jobs and future goals can also be active stressors for high school students.

“All of us have a window of tolerance in which we can handle stress,” consulting psychologist for FHSD Jerry Cox said. “When we get outside of that window, that’s what we call being stressed out.”

Stress is often thought of as a negative thing, but there is a form of stress, eustress, that motivates us and increases our productivity. Negative stress can be relieved with the use of healthy coping methods that allow us to harness our emotions.

“Stress in small enough amounts and is not overwhelming can actually increase productivity,” Cox said.

Chronic stress is when stress is nonstop and constant in a person’s life. Without a break from stress, a person has the risk of weakening their immune system, making them more susceptible to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.

“By being more aware of what your body feels like when you’re starting to become too stressed and by learning how to be able to relax your body, you actually can prevent bad habits as well as chronic health problems,” Cox said.

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