Stacy Beasley

Q: What will you be doing for winter break?

A: I will probably go snowboarding if it snows, celebrate Christmas and open presents. My birthday is also the day after Christmas.

Q: Who will you be spending time with during break?

A: I’m hanging out with my best friend and I’ll see my family.

Q: What are you most excited for during winter break?

A: Christmas and presents.

Q: What are you doing for your birthday?

A: For my birthday I am going out to eat with my family and I’ll probably just invite a bunch of friends over to hang out afterwards.

Q: Are there any winter time traditions in your family that you’ll do over break?

A: On Christmas we go to my grandparents house to open presents and hang out with family. We open our presents one at a time and then we make a big dinner. • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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