The Hot Topic Of Print or Cinema?

Published: February 17, 2016

Some die-hard fans insist on reading books before seeing movies, but is the difference really significant enough to count?

The Book is Better

For some people, it’s that new book smell, and for others it’s the excitement of having an entire adventure in the palm of your hand. Whatever the reason, books have a unique quality that movies will never be able to replicate. Books take every single reader through a slightly different story.

Most movies are limited to a short two or three hours to tell a story that could be taking place over several years; books have much more potential for detail and depth. One book can cover the story of generations, and once one book is done, sequels are there to carry on the story. And when a series is finished, truly dedicated fans can explore their favorite authors’ other works, so the excitement hardly ever ends.

Books are also open to interpretation. No two people will read a book quite the same way. Characters will look a little different and have different quirks, while cliff hangers create a great opportunity to have book discussions with other people. Favorite books are hard to forget, and are often a easy way to connect with others. Many movies are great for only a short period of time; they often come and go as pop culture rapidly changes.

It’s because of great books that so many movies are made. Movies like “Fight Club,” “The Social Network,” and “The Wizard of Oz,” were all based off of books, and that’s only to name a few. The amazing success of Harry Potter and the Hunger Games franchises is all thanks to the incredible books that started it all.

Books offer a new adventure, introduce characters that can become your best friend, and open the door to a brand new world. While movies are exciting, they’ll only be a nice compliment to a story that was probably inspired by a book.

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Movies are Masterly

The Hunger Games. Harry Potter. The Avengers. What do all of these movies all have in common, you may ask? The simple answer is that all of these were popular book series or comic books turned into movies. Many who have read the books, as well as those who hadn’t, flocked into movie theaters nationwide when these popular novels were transformed into the movie icons that they are today.

Many of those that hadn’t read the novels, as well as those that did, would leave the movie theaters raving, impatiently waiting for the next movie to come out. Yet, not all appreciate the fact that movies seem to be taking the attention away from the original works.

The main reason for most people that movies are better than the books is the time they take out of a person’s life. Especially in today’s world, people often don’t have time to sit down and read a book. Their lives are simply too busy. Watching movies, such as the ones listed before, gives you the jist of what happens in the book, in a much more timely manner. While it’s different for everyone, it can take the reader days or weeks to complete reading just a single book. With the movies, it only take about an hour and 30 minutes to watch.

Movies are also more group friendly. Who asks their friends to go hang out and read together at the library? Very few people. Now, how many people go out to the movies with friends? Many people.

So when asked what the better option is between a book or a movie, the answer is quite simply the movie, especially with people’s live becoming more and more busy. So, whenever you get the free time, sit down and watch a movie with some friends and gain all of the information from the book.

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