StuCo Prepares For Snowcoming

StuCo will host the annual Snowcoming dance Feb. 11 for the 15th year, and the theme is Let it Glow. There will be Tekno Bubbles with black lights, like in previous years. Students can get in for $10. During the week leading up to Snowcoming, students promote school spirit by dressing in different ways.

“Snowcoming is a big event for second semester and something that everyone
can participate in,” StuCo sponsor Jani Wilkens said. “It’s been a tradition for students to dress up during spirit week, which students really enjoy participating in.”

Snowcoming is a less formal and more laid-back dance than homecoming. StuCo wants students to enjoy the event with their friends and for students to do something safe together as a school community. Their goal is to make sure people have fun at the casual dance and to increase the number of students who come each year. For spirit week, they promote school spirit to have an enjoyable week before the dance.

“I’d definitely recommend going to Snowcoming even if you haven’t because the atmosphere is really laid-back and really fun with many things, such as the Tekno Bubbles, to do with your friends,” StuCo president Grant Freitas said. (Brief by Ronald Joel) • Copyright 2025 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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