A representative of the ACLU holds a sign at a protest against President Donald J Trump’s executive order, barring travelers from many predominantly-Muslim countries. The photo was part of a photo gallery in a nationally-recognized multimedia piece covered by Chase Meyer. (Credit to Chase Meyer)
A representative of the ACLU holds a sign at a protest against President Donald J Trump’s executive order, barring travelers from many predominantly-Muslim countries. The photo was part of a photo gallery in a nationally-recognized multimedia piece covered by Chase Meyer.

Credit to Chase Meyer

Top 14 FHN Media Stories of the School Year Showcased

Published: May 1, 2017

The FHN community is full of stories top to bottom, left to right. Over the course of this school year, staff writers and editors throughout the FHN Student Media program published hundreds of stories on FHNtoday.com and FHNgameday.com. These stories, ranging from 300-word count news blurbs to 1000+ word feature stories work to shine a light on individuals in the community who are doing good, those who are doing questionable things and bringing issues to the attention of the school so they can be solved.

Over the next 14 school days, the top 14 stories of the year will be featured here. Ranging from the significance of an inanimate object’s importance to the football team to StuCo’s efforts to create a fun atmosphere at school dances. Keep a watch on this post as they get added every day up until the last day of the year.

Tenth Top Story of the Year: Laura Hawkins Leads FHN Student Section

Credit to Chase Meyer

Laura Hawkins cheers in front of the student section as the Knights play on an August evening.

Tenth Top Story of the Year: Laura Hawkins Leads FHN Student Section

Bright lights, whistles blowing and crowds cheering. These are all to be expected at high school football games. But one voice stands out above the rest. Laura Hawkins, senior Donnell Hawkins’ mom, is the person who decides what cheers to do and when to do them for the student section.

“I started leading the cheers in the student section when Donnell was a freshman,” Laura said. “I wanted to support my son first of all, and then again, it’s in me. I’m a cheerleader. You know, 52. I’m a cheerleader, I’m a cheerleader at heart. And my mouth is big.”

In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Laura stood up and took control of the student section, and it’s only gone up from there. For the next three years, Laura has gotten the crowd going and has helped the players feel support.

To continue reading about Hawkins, click or tap here.

11th Top Story of the Year: From Dulaney to Freire

11th Top Story of the Year: From Dulaney to Freire

According to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, roughly only 3 percent of American women were married at age 18 in 2013. Senior Meagan Freire was a part of this 3 percent. Meagan is one of the few people who made the bold move of getting married before graduating high school.

Getting married is a huge decision to make, especially at such a young age. Though this was a serious decision to make, Meagan confidently determined that she would marry Francesco Freire. Meagan had to convince her parents to allow her to fly out to San Diego to get married because they wanted her to put the wedding off for at least a few months. Meagan convinced her parents that there would be no point in waiting, as that would cause them to lose savings.

“Being married has kind of forced me to grow up and I’m totally glad about that because my entire life has been full of ambition and goals but now I actually have a reason to keep going,” Meagan said.

Click or tap here to read the rest of the story.

Editor’s note: This story originally ran on FHNtoday.com as a preview of what’s to come in this year’s Excalibur Yearbook. Ready to buy yours? Click here. Want to check if yours is on the way? Click here for that.

12th Top Story of the Year: Cutting the Pipe

Credit to Michal Basford

Coach Mike Bevill cuts the pipe, while head coach Brett Bevill holds it in place, after the Knights defeat Washington High School 41-25.

12th Top Story of the Year: Cutting the Pipe

“Cut the Pipe” is a tradition implemented this year, rooted in the culture of the team. The purpose of it is to show what they believe in and hope to achieve.

“We’re more positive, and we work harder,” quarterback Aidan McDaniel said. “The whole ‘Above the Line’ thing just changed our whole culture and everything, so it made us want to push ourselves to our limit.”

The culture of the team includes a feeling of family, “We not me,” and working hard at practice. These are incorporated into the pipe in what it represents: be the hardest working team, family – including “Forget me, love you,” and above the line. The coaches hold them to this standard even at practice.

Click or tap here to read the rest of the story.

13th Top Story of the Year: Orion Allman’s Grandfather is in a Band

Credit to submitted photo

Gregg Allman and Devon Allman pose for a photo with Orion Allman as a baby.

13th Top Story of the Year: Orion Allman’s Grandfather is in a Band

Orion Allman sits comfortably backstage, his hand tapping along to the thumping music emanating from the speakers. The sound is crisp and clear, echoing around the room. The crowd screams in response to the start of a new song. He’s been to concerts before, but this is different. He isn’t out in the throng of people like a normal person, he is backstage listening to his grandpa’s music. Gregg Allman of The Allman Brothers Band plays a riff on his guitar and the crowd roars again. As the song continues, he starts getting lost in the sounds he grew up with.

“I got a different outlook on concerts and the music scene in general from an early age,” Orion said. “It’s definitely a cool experience growing up like that.”

Read the rest of the story clicking or tapping here.

14th Top Story of the Year: Knights Keep Nine-Year Streak Alive

Credit to Shannon Lane

Senior Bryce McDaniel Looks on as a play unfolds in the background.

14th Top Story of the Year: Knights Keep Nine-Year Streak Alive

The FHN boys volleyball team has not beaten the De Smet Spartans since April 7, 2008.

I repeat: The Knights had not defeated the Spartans in nine consecutive meetings, dating back to early April of 2008 and spanning eight seasons, prior to their match at FHN on Monday, March 27.

The last time these teams met, the Spartans ousted the Knights from the State Quarterfinals, winning that match 26-24 and 25-22 in straight sets on May 16, 2016.

Needless to say, there was an added intensity to this match that made it more meaningful than most early-season, non-league matches.

Read the rest of the story by clicking here.

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