Advice From Your 2018 Senior Web Staff

Senior year. Last Prom. Last Coffeehouse. Last high school final. Last time together as a class. As we are getting ready to say goodbye and go our many separate ways the seniors a part of are looking to pass on advice to those about to enter their last year of high school. Going into your senior year you could be on two sides of the spectrum: thinking you are ready to go away to college or not really knowing anything or maybe even somewhere in between. There are many things that graduating seniors wish they would have known before they started senior year, so here is some advice to take or leave. It’s your last go of things, so make them your best.

Click in to each story to read the advice from the seniors.

Don’t Focus on Others Opinions
Get Involved in Sports
Do “High School” Things One Last Time
Get Involved
Realize your Problems and Solutions Early
Enjoy it While it Lasts
Know Your Deadlines
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