Credit to Juliette Borgschulte

On March 14, 30% of FHN students walked out of their homerooms to peacefully protest current gun laws and to remember those who have lost their lives to gun violence.

4. Students Walkout To Protest Gun Violence

Published: May 17, 2018

On March 14, students across the country walked out of their classrooms and demanded stronger gun-control for a safer school environment. The walkout lasted 17 minutes that served as a tribute to the 17 students and staff that lost their lives at Stoneman Douglas High School one month ago. 30% of the FHN students participated in the walkout during their homeroom hour.

“This country is going through some very serious turmoil over this issue right now and it needs to be addressed,” junior Haley Peer said.

To view the entire story, click here

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