Credit to Amber Winkler


Lisa Woodrum has been working at FHN for 10 years, but this is the first year she is bringing her dog with her to work. Woodrum’s two-year-old dog Daisy is training to be a therapy dog. She is used here at FHN on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help cheer up kids when they are having a bad day or calm them down when they are stressed. Although Daisy is here to help the students, the staff already loves her.

 “Whenever Daisy is here students are excited to see her and so is the staff,” Erin Steep, who has been working here at FHN for nine years, said.

She also said that Daisy brings joy to the staff meetings whenever she goes and is a great dog overall

“She’s a sweet labradoodle,” Steep said. “Super soft and cuddly, well behaved. People like to see her.”

It takes a lot of work to get a dog certified to be in a school like Daisy.

 “It’s a lot of requirements to get a dog like Daisy here,” Steep said.

Even though she is only 2 years old, Daisy has been in training for over a year of her life. Daisy has gone through a puppy class, an adult class and started therapy training this past July. Woodrum says that her family started young with training Daisy and recommends others do the same when wanting a therapy dog.

It might take a lot of work and a lot of money for a dog like Daisy, but the Woodrum family loves her.

“Oh yeah, for sure,” Woodrum said. “She is definitely a part of the family.”

Woodrum sees Daisy as a family dog, she says that she and her husband are the most attached to Daisy in her family, although she says that Daisy is more attached to her parents. Woodrum says that Daisy likes to sit in her lap, and even though she is large she lets her, Woodrum also loves all the unconditional love that Daisy gives. In Woodrum’s eyes, Daisy is a truly special dog in her family. (Story by Jackson Calhoun) • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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