Credit to Amber Winkler


Everyone needs a friend. Stray animals can be just that for a person; a friend that they so desperately need. For Caitlin Darling and her family, this best friend is their small yellow dog, Finny. 

Finny came from stray parent dogs, who were owned by Darling’s neighbor. 

“He’s a really easy dog,” Caitlin said.

Some compare stray dogs to humans. These animals have been through hard lives, therefore strengthening their minds and genetics. Just as when humans go through tough times, they tend to come out stronger and better also.

For people, when friends become best friends, they are often considered part of the family. It is no different with pets, and very much so with strays. Not having been given enough love, living out in the street, it will make many animals love their caring owners more. They become family, with how much love they bring to the table.

“For me it’s like he’s like a brother,” Caitlin’s daughter, Vivien Darling said.

Not only making bonds with who they live with, these animals often are closest to who they first saw. With Finny, specifically, this is the case as well. Stray animals are often the most loyal to their owners and often listen and follow orders better as well.

“He’s a loyal dog,”  another child of Caitlin’s, Liam Darling said. “He’s always been here to give love to us and will never leave our side.” 

Of course, strays are going to have their downfalls. Sometimes, these are not even apparent to the owner at first. To be specific, Finny himself often will force himself onto his family for cuddles and love. Sure, it’s cute at first and for a while, but it eventually can become a problem, especially if someone is busy. It’s not the only downfall with pets though.

“It can be expensive just to do the regular vet visits but a trip to the emergency vet can be extremely expensive,” Caitlin said.

Speaking of the downfalls, strays are not exempt from the problems of normal animals. They don’t have legitimate superpowers, after all. They may possibly have better immune systems and be tougher because of what they’ve been through, but age discriminates against nobody. It creeps up on all living things.

“Currently our little old man, he’s always fit in,” Caitlin said. 

Regardless of the expected negative things an animal may bring to a household, strays are often the best choice for many — or rather the offspring of stray animals. At the end of the day, these animals are tough. They are very loving, and will likely love their owner for as long as they are loved back. • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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