
Alexis Morlen is a 10th grader here at FHN and she has a hedgehog named Jerry.

Though Jerry has no special talents, she thinks he’s a really cool and unique pet. He has brown quills and a cute little white spot of quills on his butt. This makes him a little bit special and cuter than other hedgehogs. He has tiny little feet and cute brown eyes and the most adorable little run. She has had Jerry for about two years now. 

“We got Jerry for her, for her birthday,” Her mom, Rene Morlen said. “We surprised her, she was turning 14 at the time.” 

Alexis usually doesn’t let her mom hold Jerry, she doesn’t like when she gets him out. But her mom gets him out when she’s not home anyway. Jerry is usually cranky around everyone in the family but Alexis. Surprising Alexis is her mom’s favorite memory with Jerry. Alexis’ favorite memory of Jerry is when her friends would go over to her house to see Jerry, and when he ate the lightning bug she was keeping.

“I remember holding him for the first time and I was scared to touch it so I held it with a towel,” Alexis’ friend, Kendra Swope said. “It once pooped in my hand, it was super funny we couldn’t stop laughing.”

Everyone knows that Alexis loves Jerry and treats him like her child. She is the only one that takes care of it, he is her responsibility. The cage is in her room and it’s pretty big so her room had to be rearranged. According to Alexis, he’s super messy and the cage has to be cleaned a lot. However, she says it’s not that bad to clean though. 

Alexis said he’s super loud in the middle of the night running on his little wheel, but she’s gotten used to it. According to Alexis, the hedgehog is a cute pet, but if someone wants a social or cuddly pet, hedgehogs aren’t too good for that. • Copyright 2024 • FLEX WordPress Theme by SNOLog in

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