(Credit to Amber Winkler)

Credit to Amber Winkler

Scholastic Journalism Week

Published: February 21, 2022

To celebrate the work of student journalists in schools across the country, the Journalism Education Association holds an annual Scholastic Journalism Week where each day of the week features a new theme with a new focus. The overall theme of this years Scholastic Journalism Week is #AmplifyVoices which asks the question of how students and educators can amplify the voices of all.


Credit to Amber Winkler

Mondays theme of #MakingConnections aims to promote communication between schools in our area. Collaboration between local student journalists is key to making connections and forming bonds. Local journalists from neighboring schools like Francis Howell High School, Francis Howell Central and Parkway South are highlighted in audio files provided by the journalists. Here, we listen to the ways that journalism has impacted their lives and why journalism is important to them. 

To check out the content of other schools in the area, go to FHHStoday.com, fhctoday.com, or psouthtreaty.com.

Click on the play button to hear their testimonies:


Credit to Amber Winkler

The New Voices campaign is a nationwide movement driven by student activists who pursue the goal of protecting student voices on the state level. Across the country, New Voices advocates have worked to pass New Voices Laws in 15 states in the U.S. with more considering New Voices legislation. #AmplifyYourVoice is a call for all student journalists to speak up for their rights. Mitch Eaton is heavily involved in the New Voices movement in Missouri. To hear more from Mitch on what the New Voices movement is, watch this interview and read more about it on the …

For more information about the New Voices movement and the current progress of earning New Voices Laws in Missouri, go to splc.org/new-voices/ or splc.org/new-voices-missouri/ 

For more questions about the movement, direct them to [email protected]

Watch this video to see an FHN student journalist interview Mitch Eaton


Credit to Amber Winkler

As members of the FHN publication team, our members work to share the news and share stories from people at our school and in our community. Wednesday’s theme of #SharingStories aims to bring light to the stories of publication members and the FHN media program means to them. One staff member from each of the four publication staffs share their stories of how they got into the program and what being part of team means to them. 

To apply for staff, go to fhntoday.com/signmeup

Watch this video of student testimonials about journalism:


Credit to Amber Winkler

Student journalist involved in the New Voices movement across the country have a common goal of making their voices heard. These activists want other student journalists to be able to stand up for their voices to be heard and be able to #UnmuteYourself. Student Press Freedom Day is a day to celebrate, honor and promote the achievements and issues surrounding student journalists. To learn more about how to participate in Student Press Freedom Day read here or go to studentpressfreedom.org/

We all have a voice. Whether we use that voice or not is up to us. Students use their voices everyday from the classroom, sports or in the news room. 

Student journalists use their voice to communicate to the public the news and events of the day. But the voices of student journalists across the country are being silenced due to a lack of protection on the state and federal level. Due to the ruling of the 1988 Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier case, student journalistic voices are not being protected by federal law. As put on by the Student Press Law Center, Student Press Freedom Day is an opportunity for student journalists across the country to come together and advocate for their voices to be heard. This day of action is also a way to celebrate the great work of student journalists nationwide. 

This day of action which takes place on Feb. 24 is supported by the Student Press Law Center, based in Washington D.C. Andrew Benson is the Communications and Outreach Officer for the SPLC. Benson is a leading coordinator in organizing events for Student Press Freedom Day. 

“Our theme this year is ‘Unmute Yourself’ and it’s kind of a play on the world that where in which we’re doing a lot of things virtually in through zoom,” Benson said. “We wanted to use that to spark some conversations and really remind student journalists that your voices are vital to ensuring that student press freedom is realized across the country and that your stories as a student journalists are what will compel our legislators and our lawmakers and leaders to take action.”

To help teach students to ‘Unmute Yourself’, the SPLC has hosted numerous events in which speakers and professional journalists teach students how to use their own voices for change. From workshops to virtual discussions, students across the country can take part in advocating for change year round and on Student Press Freedom Day. As Executive Director of the Student Press Law Center, Hadar Harris is heavily involved with the advocacy of student journalistic voices. 

“I believe that students have a lot to say and students have a lot of important things to say,” Harris said. “You have views on the world that older people don’t have. They’re fresh. They’re new and your voice and perspective is incredibly important.”

Student Press Freedom Day is not the only day to celebrate and advocate for student press freedom. The New Voices movement is a national campaign to advocate for New Voices laws in states across the country. New Voices laws protect the voices of student journalists and so far, 15 states in the U.S have New Voices laws. Currently, Missouri is considering New Voices laws as of January 2022. Even as laws are being considered, a lot of work still needs to be done across the country to get New Voices Laws in every state. 

“Student Press Freedom Day is an opportunity for journalists locally, regionally, nationally, to tell the stories of why student press freedom needs to be protected and why the New Voices movement is so important,” Harris said. 

To keep the voices of student journalists heard, it is imperative that students take action to demonstrate why their voices need to be heard. Student Press Freedom Day is a day that we can recognize the importance of all the student journalists do. But it is crucial for student journalists across the country and the world to not be silenced. 

“Without student journalists, many stories that should be reported on and are important to students, to parents and to communities, can’t be told,” Benson said. “Students journalists are the closest to the students and the closest of schools and they’re the best storytellers and they’re the best spokespeople for it.”

If you want to get involved in Student Press Freedom Day or find out how you can be a part of the New Voices movement, go to splc.org/new-voices/ or studentpressfreedom.org/ to find out more. 


Credit to Amber Winkler

At Francis Howell North, the media program has worked hard to bring truthful, and informative news to the student population and the community. Without the media program, many students would not have found opportunities in the field of journalism as well as learning skills to take with them in the future. Fridays theme of #DemocracyInAction aims to ask the question of how your school or community values the freedom of press. FHN media program advisers, Aaron Manfull and Jordyn Kiel answer these questions in a video interview.

Watch these videos of FHN Journalism advisers Aaron Manfull and Jordyn Kiel:

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