Counselors Offer Advice from their Experience with College Scholarships

Published: November 9, 2022

With graduation just around the corner for some, the question of “what to do next” may be a constant thought in students’ minds. There are many different options for students after high school, but the first task is to find what best fits their lifestyle. 

If college is someone’s first destination, money is a big component to focus on. A way to reduce this financial burden is to receive a scholarship. Scholarships are a payment awarded to a student for some sort of achievement or quality, whether it be in academics or another field. Many people are unaware of the different varieties of scholarship opportunities.

“You can search for scholarships all day and never run out of options, but when you’re searching for them, you want to try and be mindful of how competitive that scholarship is,” Brooke Prestidge, the college and career counselor at North said. 

While there are many ways to obtain a scholarship, it is not a last-minute option. The phrase “the early bird gets the worm” is very applicable when it comes to scholarships. A lot of hard work and effort must be put in when applying for a scholarship, all while not being guaranteed this scholarship. 

There are many resources to ensure that a student is applying for a scholarship that is best for them. Speaking to a counselor, such as Prestidge, is also a great way to gain answers to questions involving college. Utilizing website resources and doing a scholarship search are also recommended ways to prepare students for decisions about their future. Though a student may think they have a well thought-out plan for the years following high school, it is best to be prepared for any unexpected changes.

“A lot of students will say ‘well I don’t need to do that, I’m going to this university,’ but then life happens,” Stephanie Johnson, the special programs counselor at North said. “Something happens and they aren’t able to end up going about that, and now it was too late to do this program. So, they always have, basically, an insurance policy.”

Having a backup plan can be very beneficial for students. Another way to receive a scholarship is to participate in the A+ program which is overseen by Johnson at North. By completing 50 hours of tutoring or mentoring and meeting certain requirements, a student is eligible to attend their first two years of community college in Missouri for free. Even if a student does not plan to attend community college, some universities and colleges will grant a smaller scholarship to those who completed this program. Whether a student plans to go to community college, a prestigious university or stay close to home, receiving a scholarship, big or small, could make all the difference.

“It’s competitive so it is going to require some work from the student to write those essays, or get those letters of recommendation, but it’s definitely worth the effort that they put in because it literally pays off,” Prestidge said. 

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