Seniors Don’t Have Much Left to Look Forward to

Published: March 15, 2023

Credit to Ankita Pandurangi

Seniors Pacino Lin and Jadon Gauerke sit at a table and discuss high school life.

While junior year is probably filled with keeping grades up and getting a good ACT score, senior year can tend to be more relaxed with just making sure deadlines for both high school and college are being met. During the last semester of the school year, some seniors are itching to get out and some seniors are not ready to leave. 

“I think you should try to get through it in an optimistic way,” senior Shaylea Flieger said. “You can’t do some of these things ever again but it is also something you just have to deal with.”

Most seniors that have been admitted to college are working the same, if not harder to keep their grades up. If grades go down, colleges can remove their acceptance or remove any scholarship opportunities.  

“My work ethic has definitely increased since I’ve been admitted to Lindenwood,” senior Kael Schaefering said. “It makes me want to try harder and not want to quit yet because you can lose scholarships even after being admitted with one.”

Not all seniors are happy about graduating and leaving for college. Most high schoolers have had a routine in place for the past four years and that change of pace could be scary and some seniors may shy away because of the change. As the last semester for seniors starts coming to a close, the gears may shift and seniors that are admitted to college and had a case of senioritis may now miss the past four years of memories. 

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