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Movies To Look For The Week of January 17-24

Here are just a few new movies that will be released in theaters these few up coming weeks. have a look and see which movies you would like to see for yourself.


The 5th Wave in theaters 22 January 2016

With the human race on the edge of destruction as humadownloadn like extra terrestrials attack in waves. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and disease reign down destruction. Separated from there family, teenage girl Cassie Sullivan will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam, thought to be abducted by aliens, Cassie last hope is a boy named evan walker. Cassie teems up with evan in order to fight for survival.




The Boy in theaters 22 January 2016

MV5BMTc1MjcxNzcwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTE0NTE2NzE@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_When an American nanny takes on a English boys family, she is surprised to find that that the boy is just a life-sized doll. With a strict list of guidelines and procedures to follow given by the boys parents, she finds that the doll may really be alive through disturbing events that lead her to believe this.




Aferim! in theaters 22 January 2016


Set it the 1800 a father and son travel  across eastern Europe . Gendarme Costandin and his son are searching for a runaway slave who  in the middle of Wallachia. Gendarme a policeman is hired by a nobleman to bring back Carfin, the slave was accused of having an affair with the noble’s wife. light hearted Costandin takes on every situation with a subtle aphorism, while his son has a more contemplative take. On their journey they encounter many different nationalities and beliefs, but it doesn’t end there.