Advice to the Seniors in Order to Make the Most of their Final Year

Advice to the Seniors in Order to Make the Most of their Final Year

By Brendan Leuthauser

This is it, the home stretch. It goes fast, and before you know it, you’ll be walking up those steps and shaking the principal’s hand. Make sure to take your time, there are many intricacies in senior year. From taking your hardest classes, to keeping relationships strong, these are just two examples. It can sometimes seem overwhelming, but trust me, it is worth it.

Avoid burnout if at all possible, because senioritis is a real thing, and you will catch it really quickly if you don’t focus. Just take it in stride, and go one moment at a time.

Don’t be scared to put yourself out there too; there is only so much you can do, and you can’t get these years back. Join a new club that you may have been hesitant to join earlier, or try out for a sport, you never know how good you are until you try.

Taking risks can be a good thing, and trust me in senior year, it is worth taking those risks to find satisfaction, or enjoyment, or anything else that makes you happy. Stay looking forward as well, because looking backward and reminiscing over the past will just set you backward.

Make sure you have solid friendships that you can carry with you after high school also, and make sure those friends are worth having, which goes along with making new friends. You never know who you may connect with and form great relationships that can last a lifetime.

Finally, make sure you have a plan. You don’t want to go out into the real world without a plan. Whether it be going into the workforce, the military, or going off to college, you need to have a method set in place of how you are going to reach your goals.

It sure seems like a lot to prepare for, but I know all of you can attain graduation, it just takes a little bit of effort, and a little bit of fun too.