Sherri Pogue, North’s library media specialist has been working on computers for 34 years. She will be putting that experience and expertise to good use on Tues. Feb. 19 when she will be hosting a internet workshop in North’s library.
“I think any type of knowledge for computer literacy is a skill everybody needs in this day and age,” Pogue, creator of North’s Library Website, said. “IfI can give them ways to do better searches, that will help them find information more quickly.”
Pogue will be hosting this workshop for a local chapter of an organization she is a member of, called Delta Cappa Gamma. It’s an international organization of women educators with a local chapter based in the Francis Howell School district. Pogue, however, is the only member from North.
“It’s a really small, focused group,” Pogue said of the local chapter. “Part of it’s socializing. It’s educational, but it’s a social group.”