Many people say things to others so that the individual will think a certain thought. When two begin a conversation, a relationship starts… for the better or for the worse. Love is a word many humans take for granted. When love is true, you know it. But how?
How does one say “I love you” and mean it?
What is love? Love is not a word, rather a feeling. Many individuals fall in love, but it is not legitimate. Saying “I love you” is nothing but a false statement in most situations. Love is hard to come across, and at times, is never found in an individual’s lifetime. Love is the drug everyone wants but can’t get their hands on. Love is a depressant; at times it makes you want to rot in a living hell. Love is a peaceful medication, making you enjoy every single heartbeat that is throbbed. Love is the look on his face that makes you laugh and smile. It is the sensation of excitement and sparks flying, so to speak. Love is the knife piercing your heart every time he leaves for work. Love takes time, and is never complete. Love is the never-ending story of life, it is the never ending number. Love is the biggest cliché known to mankind.
When you know you are in love you can look at each other’s eyes for merely hours with out a word spoken. You smile every time you see him happy. When you stay up until 4 in the morning because he won’t leave your head. Love isn’t sex, or beauty, or lust. Love isn’t even a word. Love is the one thing you and your soul mate do that no one understands. The touch of his lips. The eyes crossing paths. The excitement of the touch of his flesh.
Love is truth. Happiness. Sadness. Love is suicidal… or homicidal. Love is a game. Love is the joker card. Love is a get out of jail free card.
Love is love, and will never be completely defined.
What do you believe love is? To answer, please comment below.