On Sept. 21, MoDOT began its two month closure of Jungermann Road for construction begin on a portion of the new outer roads. These roads, which are part of the ongoing Route 364project, will run parallel on each side of Route94 from Woodstone Drive to just east of Harvest Drive when completed by Thanksgiving.
“If the weather is good, then hopefully we can open the roads up before that time,” Route 364 project manager Barry Bergman said. “Completing it around Thanksgiving would probably be the worst case scenario.”
Until the construction is completed, drivers will not be able to travel on Jungermann. Detour signs have been posted, which will increase the traffic in nearby neighborhoods. Former teacher Dave Ridenhower, resident to one of these neighborhoods, believes the road’s future benefits outweigh the problems presented by the construction.
“It’s gonna be good when we get through [the construction]. Waiting for it to be finished is certainly better than the opposite problem in O’Fallon,” Ridenhower said. Unfortunately, constant traffic buildups on certain O’Fallon highways are taking place. The Route 364 project will convert Route 94 into a
limited access highway, creating exit ramps leading to other roads and fewer stoplights. This will reduce traffic significantly when it is complete.
“Route 94 has tons of stops, but 364 will go straight through,” FHN teacher Harold Ritchie said. “It will be great when it’s finished.”
The entire project will extend Route 364 past Central School Road and eventually to Mid Rivers Mall Drive. It will cost approximately $44 million (two thirds of which is funded by stimulus plans) and it is expected to be finished by 2012.
“It will do a world of good in relieving traffic on I-70 when it is all done” Bergman said.
Nick Ponche