The 7th annual DECA jump off was held in the big gym on Nov. 11, juniors, seniors, and staff all gathered to compete in basketball games. Juniors such as Olivia Barfield, Jake Hurrell, Ami Francis, and Nick Pirrone faced off against the seniors.
“I’m rooting for the juniors, of course,” said junior Cristina Bodden.
Seniors like Ben Hess, Chris Volpo, Britni Strong, and Alysse Chowning put their game faces on, scoring very early in the game.
“[I’m rooting for] the seniors because it’s their last year here at North,” freshman Luke Beerman said.
After an intense show down between the Juniors and Seniors, Ben Hess shot from mid-court scoring three points, just enough to win the game. The final score was 14-11 seniors.
Some staff members like Larry Scheller and Lori Lutz warmed up just before the game began. They took an early lead and kept strong through out the game.
“It’s kind of intense, watching the teachers against the kids,” Bodden said.
The final score of the senior and staff game was 44-34 with staff winning.
By Alex Curry-Lipka