On Saturday Dec. 11 the Juniors in National Honor Society hosted a progressive dinner. The students in NHS went from house to house for a variety of meals. Junior Aly Bouquet hosted appetizers at her house.
“I enjoyed having everyone over because I enjoy hosting,” said Bouquet. “It was a fun social event bringing everyone together. It was a little bit of work getting ready and cleaning, but we would have done it anyway for Christmas parties.”
Once the students finished at Bouquet’s house they moved on to Junior Alex Oppenborn’s house for the main meal.
“I enjoyed everyone being at my house,” said Oppenborn. “It gave me a chance to talk with people more and show off my seven Christmas trees.”
After the main meal was finished the students took on one last change of house and headed to Junior Susanna McFarland’s house for the final meal, dessert. Almost all of the students consider this progressive dinner as a success. It gave the members of the club a chance to bond and get to know one another better.
“It [the progressive dinner] was a good chance to hang out with people that I normally don’t” said Junior Sam Renda.
Each student brought a food item to each house and earned credit hours for NHS by participating. There were over twenty-two members of the Junior NHS that attended the gathering. Luckily there was great deal of food present at each house.
“It was like Thanksgiving all over again,” said Junior Cristina Bodden.
by Sarah Teson