In ”Little Fockers”, the third installment of the Focker movies, Greg Focker has finally come to terms with his crazed father-in-law Jack (Robert De Niro). After a heart attack, Jack appoints Greg to be the next head of the family:“The Godfocker.” As Greg pursues this title, Jack closely watches his every move, suspecting him of cheating and stating that Pam’s ex-fiance Kevin is better suited for Pam than Greg.
“Little Fockers,” did not live up to the previous installments. This movie seemed to drag on with a number of pointless subplots that never came full circle. This movie felt more like a drawn out cast reunion then an actual film. Yes, the movie did have it’s funny moments but the poor story line, pointless plots and forced jokes made this movie extremely annoying to watch. Not only as fan of the first two movies but also as a fan of comedy, I would not recommend this film to anyone.
by Sidney Shelton