The average Joe (or Jane) wakes up in the morning, has breakfast, a cup of coffee, gets dressed, and begins their day. Seems like a solid regiment right? Well to the gospel zodiac follower the day cannot and even will not start without reading their horoscope. Questions such as ‘How high will my production level be?’ ‘When will I reach my creative peak?’ oh and let’s not forget the dire question of ‘What does my love life look like?’
Don’t fret, all of those answers and more can be found in your newspaper or hand held. Well, isn’t that something, all of those answers right at the very tips of your fingers. So what, the world keeps spinning and people stay in the know because the cosmos decides to drop hints as to what will happen in our daily lives? I think not.
In fact I think following your zodiac sign is about as ridiculous as ordering Chinese food, reading your fortune cookie, and basing every decision you make that week on the tiny script inside the cheap sugary desert. Now please don’t zodiac sign and reading your horoscope once in a while can be a fun way to pass the time or even compare jokingly with friends. But when I see people making daily decisions based on what a small section of text says, it makes me wonder how on earth people get by.
Example time. I have a friend. She reads her horoscope religiously. Well things were looking up for her since her sign was said to have great scholastic luck. The night before what was promised to be a challenging midterm, said friend shared with me how both her monthly and daily horoscope put her on the path of mental achievement, she saw it fit not to study for the test. The next day the stars aligned just enough to get her a failing grade.
When living your life, I strongly dis-advise people to let their days fall in the balance of what the universe is supposedly telling you. The sign you’re born under cannot possibly predict the success, achievements, or love you will receive in life.
by Nicole Renner