After a short break from blog writing I am returning to write about the newest version of the Firefox web browser. Opening up the browser you immediately will notice that there is a large amount of change that has been done to the browser’s looks. In the words of Mozilla it is “a clean, easy-to-customize browsing experience.” And to some extent I totally agree, the browser looks really good and after a bit of getting used to where everything is, it’s rather easy.
However, how does this new look affect its performance? The short answer: it really does not change much. Actually it is reported to be six times as fast as any previous version of Firefox. In addition to its new looks the new browser also comes equipped with “App Tabs” where you can save sites to be a permanent part of your browser instead of just a bookmark. Getting on Facebook never was this easy. Personally, I will probably stick with Google Chrome since its just what I’ve come to love, its a great browser. By the way if you are still using Internet Explorer, save yourself a million headaches and install Google Chrome or Firefox.
By Wade Dismukes