Tomorrow, April 9 at 8:00 a.m, FHN will be hosting the ACT. In order to take this April test, students had to sign up by March 5. However, if they missed the registration date, they had to pay a late fee of $21 and sign up by March 18.
“The ACT is necessary for not only the college admissions process but also because the scores tell how prepared students are,” counselor Tom Daugherty said. “Now ACT has what’s called College Readiness scores to see exactly how ready students are for college.”
When taking the test, make sure to bring plenty of number 2 pencils, a calulator and a timer to know how much time is left for each test. After the multiple choice part of the ACT, there is also a writing portion that is available to take for an extra $15. Only around 18% of colleges require the writing portion, though.
“I’m pretty confident about it. I got a 28 on it my first time so i’m trying to get a 30 this time. But I’m not going to stress because I know that just ends up making things worse,” junior Alex Walker said.