You know what grinds my gears? Greeting Cards.
There’s nothing more counter-intuitive than Greeting Cards.
Man1: Oh, it’s Mother’s day tomorrow. How ever do I tell my mother how much I love her without actually making an effort or using some amount of creativity?
Man2: Dude just buy her a card.
Man1: Good idea, I can insensitively buy my mother a cheap piece of card-stock with someone else’s words on it, and a cartoonish illustration on the front to express my gratitude for bearing me as her child, and the 18 years of toil to raise me into the prosperous individual that stands here today.
My point here is, don’t buy a card. Make one, or tell your mother how much you love her. Walking down the aisle at a grocery store and seeing a Hallmark card and saying “Oh that’s something I’d say.” isn’t that thoughtful.
Flowers are nice too.
And that’s what grinds my gears
By: Jared Tompkin