The seniors of FHN will be recognized for all of their high school accomplishments on May 17 at 6:30 p.m. during Senior Awards Night. This will be an event where seniors will receive all of the medals, chords and stoles they will wear on graduation day, and will be held in the large gym. The event will be formal and last about two and a half hours. Guidance counselor Tom Daugherty has been coordinating Senior Awards Night for eight years and hopes that many seniors come to be recognized.
“I hope [the seniors] will really get recognition for all their hard work and effort they put in at FHN,” Daugherty said, “It will be a night to celebrate their accomplishments.”
Each senior who receives any type of scholarship that the guidance office is aware of will also be recognized at this event. Some of the scholarships will be surprises to the students as well, such as the Bright Flight Scholarships, and the American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship.
“I am excited about it because it will be my last formal event of high school,” senior Olivia Malpiedi said.”
By Elizabeth Diggs