I was considering introducing myself and this blog with a clever quote, smoothly transitioning into the reasons I’m writing, and finishing by giving my objectives – perhaps using a conceit that involves a sundae with a well-placed cherry. Nevertheless, I decided against it; I’ll dive right in – like a cute fuzzy seal.
My name is Lisa Saville, I’m a senior at Francis Howell North, and I have a lot of opinions about the world. For the next few months, on Tuesdays given I’m responsible, I will do my best to address issues at the national and global scales in a fresh and critical way. Issues may include foreign policy between nations, preconceived notions held within our society, and the fallacy of certain social structures. Then again, they may not; there is no shortage of issues from which I can choose.
Objectives for these weekly posts, in order of necessity are as follows: Someone to read it, like it, be affected by it, and to recommend it. Also, more than one person to read it, like it be affected by it, recommend it, and if I’m fortunate, to hate it.
Why hate it? Because although it may be difficult to remember in the face of opposition, we should all remember that the best ideas are usually the ones most opposed.