Drama Club students were stalled for two hours when their bus broke down on Jan. 7. The students were returning home after three days at the Missouri State Thespian Conference in Springfield, Mo when the bus began experiencing transmission problems.
“It would happen to the drama students, of course,” senior Eliessa Polhamus said. “We’re the students who are going to make a big deal out of it, but we handled this surprisingly well.”
The bus began experiencing problems at 5 p.m. on Interstate 44 just outside of Eureka. The driver was forced to pull to the side of the highway when the bus began losing acceleration; however, the driver got the bus going again and managed to exit the highway before the bus broke down completely.
“I felt like I was in a scary movie, and everyone was going to get murdered,” Drama Club Secretary Julia Carney said.
While a small number of students were picked up by their parents, most stayed on the bus until another bus arrived shortly after 7 p.m.
“This is quality bonding time,” Drama Club President Zach Wood said. “This is just a sign that Thespian Conference shouldn’t come to an end.”